Business owners and managers should ask 4 questions of their employees a couple times a year – with the intention to tweak their systems and make improvements based on the answers.

  1. What do you want to do more of here?
  2. What do you want to do less of here?
  3. What mistakes keep happening here?
  4. What works here?

All employees have good insight into day to day operations. Their input is valid from their perspective and should be acknowledged as such. Something always need fixing, improving, and changed in the organization. And the valuable feedback you’ll get from your employees is free.

Picture this: someone in your organization does the scheduling (for example) but doesn’t like it and finds it difficult. She wants to do less of that or none at all. Part of the 4 questions process reveals that someone else at your business would like to do scheduling – and would be good at it.

Why not tap into the focus and energy that individuals naturally want to offer? Never forget that a person’s strengths strengthen them. Strengths are irrepressible. And people are happy to use them. Tap into that. That’s the mindset that matters today especially when millions are leaving the workforce because they don’t get this opportunity.

If you are interested in bringing the best Team tool ever to your organization, you can contact me here to discuss bringing the SIMPLI5 tool and workshop to your organization.