Category: Personal Career

Not Your Parent’s Workplace

In this day and age, if you’re not confused, you’re not thinking clearly – Burt Mannis In a Post-Covid, weightless, right brained, knowledge economy, people will make their livings from thin air. From their home office. On Zoom. In their slippers. They will not have traditional “jobs”. They will retire in stages. They will produce nothing that can be weighed, touched or easily measured. Knowledge, Peopleness and Focused Value are

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Permanent Whitewater

The phrase “Permanent White Water” was coined by Peter Vaill in the early 1990’s to describe the nature of intense, dynamic change that has no reprieve. Today, we know this intense change to be exponential and hugely anxiety producing. How to keep from being overwhelmed? develop your ability to tolerate uncertainty (it’s ok to ‘not know’) develop your ability to zero in on the most important matters (major on the

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Everyone has heard of Flow. The literature on Flow comes primarily from a lifetime of global research by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced Me-high Chick-sent-me-high). He says: Thirty years of research and 18 books later, I have proved that the most obvious component of happiness is intense concentration. Intense concentration comes when a Challenge is matched by an Ability. When challenge and ability meet like this, it puts us into a Flow

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Your Flow Triggers

What are your Flow Triggers? The things that put you into a flow state? Flow cannot be sustained through an entire eight-hour workday; rather, under the best of circumstances, flow visits you for a few minutes on several occasions – Martin Seligman We should learn what puts us in a flow state, because that will help us take steps to get more of it in our day or week. Ask

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Top Skills Today

Below is as good a summary as you will find on the top skills required to succeed today. Understand yourself (know where you naturally focus your attention) Understand others (and the world) Use the best digital tools in the best ways How to keep up today: Information Handling and Document Control: digital skills, working and writing notes in the Cloud being able to recognize the need for a particular piece

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Career Development

As an individual, are you in one of these categories? career transition out of work returning to work mid-life malaise career funk in transition (newcomers) just starting (young adults) semi-retired wanting to improve current work returning from a cross-cultural career It is now the norm for individuals to take 100% control over their own work lives. This means: Knowing YOU (knowing what makes you strong) Knowing WHO (knowing who needs

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83 years old – 2 jobs

Working and finding work today is so different than just a few years ago. So Different. Consider my dad who was born in 1934. He had two jobs in his life: Ontario Provincial Police Officer (OPP) Dow Chemical Security Supervisor Researched the Market? Didn’t need to. Openings galore. Researched himself? Not necessary. Slipped into a harness. Layoffs? Never heard of such things. Job security was the name of the game.

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6 Seconds to Oblivion

In the olden days (ten years ago), we were shocked to hear that our resumes were given a 2 minute skim. Then it became 90 seconds. Today, our resumes are given a 6 second scan by professional recruiters. How do we know this? Recently, thirty professional recruiters took part in a 10 week study. The study used an advanced scientific technique called “eye tracking” – which in this case, recorded

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