Category: Flow States


Everyone has heard of Flow. The literature on Flow comes primarily from a lifetime of global research by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced Me-high Chick-sent-me-high). He says: Thirty years of research and 18 books later, I have proved that the most obvious component of happiness is intense concentration. Intense concentration comes when a Challenge is matched by an Ability. When challenge and ability meet like this, it puts us into a Flow

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Your Flow Triggers

What are your Flow Triggers? The things that put you into a flow state? Flow cannot be sustained through an entire eight-hour workday; rather, under the best of circumstances, flow visits you for a few minutes on several occasions – Martin Seligman We should learn what puts us in a flow state, because that will help us take steps to get more of it in our day or week. Ask

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